Wall of banknotes
A "painting" of 100 banknotes from all over the world
Online since: 21/11/2011,
Number of visits: 304424
In order to eternalise our 100 real banknotes from all over the world, we wanted to find a way to display them.
Glueing or pinning was obviously not an option! We came up with the idea of using pot magnets to mount a 100 x 60 cm steel plate on the wall.
The plate can be easily moved vertically or horizontally or removed altogether.
If you want, you can cover it with foil and use it as a nice photo wall.
We embedded 4 countersunk pot magnets type CSN-25
with anchors in the wall.
The magnets need to stick out of the wall slightly (0,5 mm) to have direct contact with the steel plate.
Due to the square alignment you can hang the plate vertically or horizontally.
The following magnets are suitable to hang up the banknotes:
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